Our focus is primarily on Clean Claims and Less AR... Up to 40% reduction in your operating costs... 20% + increased revenue...
ABP provides entire RCM service or A la carte services to Billing companies. Though our costs are nominal, process protocols and PHI security remains top most priority on our list along with maximum reimbursements to our clients. Our expertise are in Medicare, Medicaid, Managed Care Plans, California IPA’s, Worker‘s Compensation and other Private Payers.
Our team collectively brings over 70 years of industry experience. We are confident of switching your collections to 5th gear from day one creating a positive impact on your bottom line. Every time we achieve our goal we push our bars higher and make it a habit to achieve it. Since every customer is different we provide tailor made solutions as per their needs. Our pricing models are created to suit your business.
Outsourcing billing operations provide subject expertise so you be more productive and competitive. Moreover it saves you considerable Time and Cost on training for constant HIPAA and ICD changes. No investment on infrastructure or billing staff expansion required even when you expand your business.